Let there be light. Yes, order from chaos. We all know this phrase and use it, sometimes meaninglessly. I know I have. Organising your book shelf, arranging the study, the list is inexhaustible. But chaos from order. Ever thought about that? Now that’s a discovery, for me again. I’ve been doing this all my life, without realizing it. As always the conscious mind is mostly blind to its subconscious sibling. Chaos is multiplicity, excitement and anxiety. But do we need it? We most certainly do, and we practice this daily.
We are fragile vessels that always teeter between the need for order and the need for chaos. Ever mished and mashed your walking path every now and then? Well, that’s desire for chaos, a word that comes close may be variety. Chaos is the unknown, the disordered, the exciting and that which is anxiety provoking. But we need it, after walking for weeks on the same trail. Indulge this variety for a few weeks, will we have the need to stick to a steady route once again? We will. When was the last time someone hopped on social media to find a topic and discovered a hundred videos on the same topic. What did we feel? excitement and joy at first, then frustration and then anxiety. Too many choices, chaos. So, we desire order. The flip side, we went there and at first found only a handful, we want more, we now seek chaos from order. I’ve heard of musicians and novelists who thrived in highly disordered environments to produce their finest work. Order from chaos and back to chaos. The way of the human psyche. How best can we perform this dance consciously? How best can we harness it?