Jude Perera


Hi, now that you’re here, can I keep your attention a little bit longer? I’m an author and a CPA; more importantly a family man with a wife and two adorable boys.
I love to escape, escape to blue skies and green meadows, escape to river banks and mountain tops. Escape to my childhood and those voices and faces that are slowly fading; because they’ve been long gone. Nostalgia is painful.

But I’m still staring at a computer screen, in an 8-5 job. So, I use words as my getaway. I’m an author with an annoying fetish for themes laced with escapism, colours that simmer in nostalgia and catch my dreams, so that I can rub them on others. I miss my years as a young adult, so I hit back with words, or is it get back? And with a vengeance. Oh! and adventure, mystery, romance and history, pique my interest as well. They have wormed their way in to my writing.
I’m a blogger who revels in short fiction, a bit of lifestyle writing and some travel narratives; recently I’ve set my targets on full length books. You can read my short fiction, lifestyle and travel pieces in links on this site.
I wish you could tarry a while and come back for more. See, I love to dream.