The Great Comparison

 I have always hated it. I call it the great comparison. When you are compared against everyone on the planet except yourself.  When you are invited to betray your identity, assume another’s. The guilty, mostly those closest to you, and worse who genuinely care for...

The Race to the Grave

The stint to the grave starts from conception, from that moment we are conceived in the womb our time on earth is ticking away. Who would say “Yes” to death at any point early on the time scale, perhaps no one. There is a preconceived notion when death may be ok, a...

The Pereras Next Door

They’re bad people. They prosper materially (apparently) and inflict agony on their neighbours. The neighbours accuse the Pereras of blinding them with their own envy and driving them to utter exhaustion. Exhaustion when they race and writhe to match the Pereras...

The Dream Snatchers

It is bad. It shouldn’t happen. It’s theft, is what it is. I wonder if it’s a cultural phenomenon, peculiar to certain parts and cultures of the world. But I’m happy to leave the labelling and geography alone. It’s not that important. What’s important is exposing the...

At the Mountain Top

I take in heaven, views of it at least. Perhaps for the twentieth time. From my favourite mountain top. I always felt heavenly here, it was a feeling, not a conscious perception of a dimension or state that I know anything of, no one knows perhaps. Supremely calm,...

Who Am I?

I have never wondered before, until recently. It measures the height of my ignorance, or…or its absolute depths. I’ve looked at the stars ever since I could remember. And wondered. Racking my brain with its untold mysteries. Is there life? perhaps a new home for us?...